Justice For George Floyd — Barclay Center, Brooklyn (June 2020)
Protester and police face off.

Justice For George Floyd — Barclay Center, Brooklyn (June 2020)

Justice For George Floyd — Barclay Center, Brooklyn (June 2020)
When Ignorance Reigns, Life Is Lost

Dr. Cornel West addresses the crowd in Washington Square.

#RiseUpOctober: Stop Police Terror — Washington Square, NYC (October 2015)
America Was Never Great For Blacks, Indians. Whites Perhaps.

Solidarity rally for the uprising in Baltimore, which was sparked after Freddie Gray had his spinal cord severed (and later died) while in police custody.

LGBT activists at solidarity rally for the uprising in Baltimore.

Royal Shutdown — Barclay Center, Brooklyn (December 2014)
Protest at the Barclays Center—where Prince William and Kate attended a basketball game. This is part of the continued large-scale protests that have occurred daily since the grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer who killed Staten Island resident Eric Garner.

Royal Shutdown — Barclay Center, Brooklyn (December 2014)
Protest at the Barclays Center—where Prince William and Kate attended a basketball game. This is part of the continued large-scale protests that have occurred daily since the grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer who killed Staten Island resident Eric Garner.

Royal Shutdown — Barclay Center, Brooklyn (December 2014)
Protest at the Barclays Center—where Prince William and Kate attended a basketball game. This is part of the continued large-scale protests that have occurred daily since the grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer who killed Staten Island resident Eric Garner.

Millions March in NYC — December 2014
Inside Out Project carry Eric Garner’s eyes.

Millions March in NYC — December 2014
Past of Present

Millions March in NYC — December 2014
Asian Americans In Solidarity

Activist and singer Miss Justice Jester.

Millions March in NYC — December 2014
Retired Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis

Shut It Down — Times Square, NYC (December 2014)
Large demonstration in Times Square after the it was announced the officer who killed Eric Garner with a prohibited chock-hold would not be indicted.

Ferguson Protest — Times Square, NYC (November 2014)
Thousands flooded the streets of NYC in protest of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Missouri police officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Michael Brown.

Thousands flooded the streets of NYC in protest of the grand jury’s decision not to indict Missouri police officer Darren Wilson in the killing of Michael Brown.

NMOS14 — Union Square Park, NYC (August 2014):
National moment of silence to honor victims, protest police actions and Ferguson solidarity rally.

Justice For Trayvon — 1 Police Plaza, NYC (July 2013)
Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump with Trayvon Martin’s mother and brother—Sybrina and Jahvaris Fulton—and Reverend Al Sharpton.

Justice For Trayvon — 1 Police Plaza, NYC (July 2013)